When I was younger I used to set New Year's Resolutions and guess what happened? Correct, nothing. I was good for maybe a month or so, but I eventually failed.
So about 10-15 years ago, I read in an article from Tim Elmore about choosing ONE Word each year, that will keep you moving forward in a positive direction. So I'm going to share my word with you.
Why did I choose patience?
When I was a younger coach, I had no patience, I needed to control everything and I tried to control everybody. Well, I wasn't a really happy coach and felt let down by everyone and every situation. I would write a season plan and never keep to it. I'd start home projects and never finish, I just couldn't stay focused on any task. When swimmers couldn't do what I wanted especially in races, it was not good.
It might be age or coaching for nearly 40 years, but over the last 15 years, I have come to my senses. I can't or do not want to control anything, except myself.
So this year anytime a situation comes up that I cannot control, I repeat the word patience to myself and remind myself I'm moving forward in the right direction at the right speed.
Coach Ian