Saturday, June 12, 2021

What are the chances of doing a best time at Olympic Trials? 

Look at the results from 2016

Why do I propose such a question the day before the 2021 meet starts? Its simple, it really doesn't matter what time you do, your only goal is to RACE. Racing is the name of the game, how you race in the prelims, semi finals and finals. All have different strategies and all events have different strategies too.

I think we get caught up to much in what time we do in an event, instead of just racing. There is actually a proposal that the International Swim League (Professional Swimmers) that they don't have a timing system, just RACE. I think that would be fun to watch.

Over the next 8 days we will see who came to RACE and who came to get a time. The best racers win and get on the Olympic team.

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