Thursday, February 9, 2023


The Swimming Triangle
The triangle is a good representation of the connection between an 
athlete, parent, and coach. Each leg of the triangle has the same value as the other. If all of the legs of the triangle supported one another then you would have a fulfilled athlete.

As a swim coach, I believe the triangle is the foundation of success for our athletes. Each leg of the triangle represents the three parties: the athlete, the parent, and the coach. We couldn’t survive without one another. The key to the strength of the triangle is to understand each of our roles:

Note: These are traditional roles, as the athlete accomplishes higher levels the function can change, but always athlete-focused.

The Swimmer:
1) Be responsible by being on time and prepared for your workout.
2) During practice give great effort and energy while displaying a positive attitude.
3) Make your teammates better because of your presence and support.
4) Be coachable and respectful.
5) Have attainable goals and let everyone know about what they are.
6) Most importantly, be grateful to your parents, coaches, and teammates for their role.

The Parent:
1) Be positive and supportive, regardless of the outcome of each swim.
2) Don’t coach your kids as this can be disruptive for the swimmers and coaches, and will likely confuse your swimmer.
3) Get involved; find a volunteer position you feel comfortable with and help out.
4) Try to have your swimmer at practice 15 minutes before start time, as this is a good habit for young swimmers to learn.
5) Acknowledge that the coaches have numerous triangles to maintain and each one is different from the others.
6) Don’t compare your swimmer to other swimmers. They all come from different backgrounds with different talents and growth progressions. It’s best to let the coaches guide his/her progression and focus on your swimmer only.
7) Most importantly, be grateful to your swimmer and coaches for the sacrifices they make during this journey.

The Coach:
1) Have the best interests of the swimmers.
2) Maintain a state of balance between what may be ideal for the individual (your swimmer) and the needs of the group (the team).
3) Communicate openly and honestly.
4) Provide your athlete a range of growth opportunities; some satisfying and fulfilling, others challenging and perhaps frustrating; as this will help develop his/her ability and overall character as a person.
5) Most importantly, be grateful to the parents and the swimmers for the sacrifices they make during this journey.

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